DDoP 2018 Ep05: Amy Talks About Stuff 034: What’s So British About Star Wars?

The first big event that I was looking forward to in August happened on Sunday afternoon, August 5. That day, I co-presented a panel discussion at one of my local nerd conventions. One of my nerdy friends and I gave a presentation on Star Wars, focusing on the British actors, directors, set designers, and other filmmaking creative types who helped make it what it is. The presentation was 45 minutes long, but I only recorded what I thought were the most interesting 15 minutes or so for Dog Days of Podcasting.

Show Notes:

  • I’m sorry about the sound quality. This was recorded using the tiny pinhole mike on my phone, in a big, open conference room, where my voice was already being amplified through a set of concert-style speakers. I tried to edit the sound file to make the words somewhat easier to hear before I uploaded it to my personal site.
  • This blog post is backdated to the approximate date and time I uploaded this episode. I’m actually uploading the last few days’ worth of podcasts on Wednesday night/Thursday morning, August 8-9.
  • No theme music in this episode.

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