DDoP 2017 Ep01: The Thread Safe Podcast 004: Back On The Microphone

This is my Dog Days of Podcasting episode for Tuesday, August 1, 2017. I’m excited to be back on the microphone for my second year as a participant in the Dog Days of Podcasting challenge!

In this episode, I:

  • Share my technology-related news from this year
  • Briefly go into cantankerous old-timer mode and complain about Apple (sorry about that)
  • Share some good news about my costuming progress
  • Give previews of some of the topics I plan to talk about during this year’s DDoP challenge

The Helpful Links of the Day for this episode are:

Contact Information:

  • Send feedback to amy at ameliabowen dot com
  • I’m @amybowen on Twitter
  • Or comment on this post!


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