DDoQ 2020 Ep27: Amy Talks About Stuff 143: Meta Monday #8

Messages to several of my fellow podcasters are below – please read this whole blog post at ameliabowen.com!

Miss Melysse – Hi! So good to hear from you! I totally understand – not all circumstances are conducive to creativity. And I did like your idea of a perfect sentence. šŸ™‚

Eric Mortenson – I’ve really been enjoying the Metal Museum! I was delighted to hear that you and Lynda will be doing episodes together every week. I will definitely be subscribing to your show for those episodes. I’ve been using your shows as workout tracks these past few weeks; they make pretty rockin’ workout tunes.

Mike Wills – Big-time congrats on getting your amateur radio license! The Net Control episode was very interesting.

Clinton – I’ll definitely subscribe to the Comedy4Cast feed again, too. I want to know how this story ends! And Danny’s reviews of things-that-are-not-movies are pretty hilarious, too. šŸ™‚

Mark – The job I had before my current one was at a company that ran afterschool STEM programs using Lego, and part of my job was sorting Lego kits. I agree, it is very relaxing, but I can relate to having sore arms and shoulders from doing it. I really liked hearing you talk about Lego as a creative and artistic medium – I can see it as one, and that whole world is fascinating to me.

Also, good on you for supporting your local restaurants and farmer’s market. I’m thinking of signing up for a CSA share, now that it’s the right time of year to buy in and I’m learning how to cook with vegetables. šŸ™‚

Chris – Congratulations on getting Annie the Dragon! I’m looking forward to hearing more about her. And thanks, but the themes for days of the week like Meta Monday were Ken Kennedy’s idea originally; I just adopted them.

You said you wondered if anyone was going to keep podcasting until the quarantine was lifted in their area. I may have mentioned that I’m stuck in one of the bad areas that doesn’t have a formal stay-at-home order, and which is seeing the consequences in terms of numbers of new cases, I might add. I’m not going out again until, well, this Friday I have an errand for one of my nonprofit boards that I need to do. Apart from that, I’m not going out unless I need to pick up more groceries, which shouldn’t be for a week or two here, or to drop off those mask covers I’m making. As far as I’m concerned, my quarantine is over when Science says it is, by which I mean, when there is a vaccine or other real treatment option. If one or the other of the two conventions I’m pre-registered for decides to barge ahead anyway… well, I’ll just have to talk to my con roommates and see if they share my sense of caution.

I’m not going to keep podcasting every day during the quarantine, but I just might get The Thread Safe Podcast going every week or every other week. I can see the sewing community is strengthening its collective bond through the collective efforts to make masks, so I’m hoping that means I can find an expanded audience for my podcast by continuing to talk about that topic and being more involved in the community.

Show Notes:

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